Monthly Archives: February 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Growing Auto Blue Amnesia Cannabis

Are you ready to dive into the world of growing your own auto blue amnesia cannabis? In this ultimate guide, we will cover everything you need to know about cultivating this unique strain. From selecting the right seeds to harvesting your plants, we’ve got you covered every step of the way. Let’s get started!

Auto Blue Amnesia Seeds: A Beginner’s Guide

If you’re new to growing cannabis, starting with auto blue amnesia seeds is a great choice. These seeds are easy to grow and produce high-quality buds that are sure to impress even the most seasoned connoisseurs.

What are Auto Blue Amnesia Seeds?

Auto blue amnesia seeds are a cross between Blueberry and Amnesia Haze strains. This hybrid strain offers a balanced high that relaxes the body while stimulating the mind. With a flowering time of around 9-10 weeks, these seeds are perfect for beginners looking for a quick and easy grow.

Where to Buy Auto Blue Amnesia Seeds?

When purchasing auto blue amnesia seeds, it’s essential to buy from a reputable seed bank to ensure quality and authenticity. Some popular seed banks that offer auto blue amnesia seeds include Crop King Seeds, Royal Queen Seeds, and Seedsman.

How to Germinate Auto Blue Amnesia Seeds

Germinating auto blue amnesia seeds is a crucial first step in the growing process. To germinate your seeds, simply place them in a damp paper towel and keep them in a warm, dark place for 24-48 hours until they sprout. Once they have sprouted, you can plant them in soil or a hydroponic system.

Growing Auto Blue Amnesia Indoors vs. Outdoors

One of the key decisions you’ll need to make when growing auto blue amnesia cannabis is whether to cultivate your plants indoors or outdoors.

Growing Auto Blue Amnesia Indoors

Growing auto blue amnesia indoors gives you more control over environmental factors like temperature, humidity, and light exposure. Indoor cultivation also allows for year-round growing and higher yields per plant.

Growing Auto Blue Amnesia Outdoors

On the other hand, growing auto blue amnesia outdoors can result in larger plants with higher yields due to natural sunlight exposure. Outdoor cultivation is also more cost-effective as you won’t need to invest in artificial lighting or ventilation systems.

The Best Soil for Growing Auto Blue Amnesia Cannabis

Choosing the right soil is essential for ensuring healthy plant growth and optimal bud production when growing auto blue amnesia cannabis.

Benefits of Using Organic Soil

Organic soil is rich in nutrients and beneficial microbes that promote healthy root development and overall plant growth. Using organic soil can also enhance terpene production, resulting in more flavorful buds.

How to Create Your Own Soil Mix

If you prefer DIY projects, creating your own soil mix for growing auto blue amnesia cannabis is a rewarding option. You can combine ingredients like coco coir, perlite, worm castings, and bat guano to create a nutrient-rich medium that supports robust plant growth.

Pruning and Training Techniques for Auto Blue Amnesia Plants

Pruning and training your auto blue amnesia plants can help maximize bud production and improve overall plant health.

Topping vs. FIMing

Topping involves cutting off the top growth tip of the main stem to encourage lateral growth and multiple colas. FIMing (short for “f*** I missed”) involves pinching off new growth tips instead of cutting them entirely.

LST (Low-Stress Training)

LST involves gently bending and securing branches to encourage horizontal growth and an even canopy. This technique helps distribute light more evenly across the plant, resulting in higher yields.

Common Pests and Diseases When Growing Auto Blue Amnesia Cannabis

Dealing with pests and diseases is an inevitable part of growing cannabis, but there are steps you can take to prevent and manage common issues.

Preventing Spider Mites

mandarin gelato strain

Spider mites are tiny pests that feed on plant sap, causing yellowing leaves and webbing on your plants. To prevent spider mite infestations, regularly inspect your plants for signs of damage and use neem oil or insecticidal soap as organic remedies.

Managing Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that appears as white powdery spots on leaves and stems. To manage powdery mildew, improve air circulation around your plants by pruning excess foliage and using fungicides like sulfur dust or potassium bicarbonate.

Harvesting and Curing Your Auto Blue Amnesia Buds

After months of hard work nurturing your auto blue amnesia plants, it’s finally time to harvest your buds for consumption.

When to Harvest Your Buds

The ideal time to harvest your auto blue amnesia buds is when trichomes have turned cloudy or amber-colored. Use a jeweler’s loupe or magnifying glass to inspect trichomes closely for optimal harvest timing.

Curing Your Buds Properly

Curing your buds after harvest is critical for preserving flavor, aroma, and potency. Place harvested buds in glass jars with humidity packs at 62% RH (relative humidity) for optimal curing conditions.

FAQs About Growing Auto Blue Amneisa Cannabis

  • How long does it take for auto blue amneisa seeds to germinate?
    • Auto blue amneisa seeds typically germinate within 24-48 hours when placed in a damp paper towel.
  • What nutrients do auto blue amneisa plants need during flowering?
    • During flowering, auto blue amneisa plants benefit from phosphorus-rich fertilizers like bloom boosters.
  • Can I grow auto blue amneisa cannabis hydroponically?
    • Yes! Auto blue amneisa cannabis grows well in hydroponic systems with proper nutrient solutions.
  • How tall do auto blue amneisa plants typically grow?
    • On average, auto blue amneisa plants reach heights of 80-120 cm when grown indoors.
  • What light cycle is best for flowering auto blue amneisa plants?
    • Flowering auto blue amneisa plants thrive under a 12/12 light cycle (12 hours of light followed by 12 hours of darkness).
  • Do I need a carbon filter when growing auto blue amneisa indoors?
    • Yes! Using a carbon filter helps eliminate odors produced by flowering cannabis plants indoors.

    In Conclusion: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Auto Blue Amneisa Cannabis

    Congratulations! You’ve now completed our ultimate guide on how to grow auto blue amneisa cannabis from seedling to harvest successfully. By following our tips on seed selection, cultivation techniques, pest management strategies, harvesting methods, curing practices—you’re well on your way to becoming a master grower of this exceptional strain! Remember always; patience pays off when cultivating any variety of cannabis—particularly one as rewarding as auto-blue-amnesiac; happy gardening!

    Achieving Record-Breaking Harvests with XXL Autoflowering Seeds


    In the world of cannabis cultivation, achieving record-breaking harvests is the ultimate goal for growers. With advancements in breeding techniques and genetics, achieving massive yields has become more attainable than ever before. One method that has gained significant popularity among growers is the use of XXL autoflowering seeds. These seeds have been specially bred to produce plants with exceptional size and yield potential. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using XXL autoflowering seeds, provide tips for maximizing yield, and address common questions about this revolutionary strain.

    Table of Contents

  • Understanding Autoflowering Seeds
  • The Advantages of XXL Autoflowering Seeds
  • Choosing the Right Strain for XXL Yield Autoflower
  • Optimal Growing Conditions for XXL Autoflower Seeds
  • Nutrient Management for Record-Breaking Harvests
  • Training Techniques for Maximizing Yield Potential
  • Pests and Diseases: How to Protect Your Crop from Harmful Invaders
  • Common FAQs About Achieving Record-Breaking Harvests with XXL Autoflowering Seeds:
    • What are XXL autoflowering seeds?
    • How do XXL autoflower seeds differ from regular autoflowers?
    • Can beginners successfully grow XXL autoflowers?
    • What is the average yield of an XXL autoflower plant?
    • How long does it take for an XXL autoflower to reach maturity?
    • Are there any special considerations when growing XXL autoflowers indoors?
  • Conclusion
  • Achieving Record-Breaking Harvests with XXL Autoflowering Seeds

    When it comes to achieving record-breaking harvests, XXL autoflowering seeds are taking the cannabis cultivation world by storm. These specially bred seeds have been meticulously developed to produce plants with exceptional size and yield potential. With the right techniques and optimal growing conditions, growers can unlock the full potential of these seeds and achieve harvests that exceed their wildest expectations.

    FAQs About Achieving Record-Breaking Harvests with XXL Autoflowering Seeds

  • What are XXL autoflowering seeds?
    • XXL autoflowering seeds are a specific type of cannabis seed that has been bred to produce plants with exceptional size and yield potential. These seeds are a result of careful genetic selection and breeding techniques, resulting in plants that can reach towering heights and produce abundant harvests.
  • How do XXL autoflower seeds differ from regular autoflowers?
    • XXL autoflower seeds differ from regular autoflowers in their size and yield potential. While regular autoflowers typically produce smaller plants with modest yields, XXL autoflowers are specifically bred to produce larger plants and significantly higher yields. This makes them an ideal choice for growers looking to maximize their harvests.
  • Can beginners successfully grow XXL autoflowers?
    • Yes, beginners can successfully grow XXL autoflowers. These seeds are relatively easy to cultivate, making them suitable for growers of all experience levels. However, it is essential for beginners to educate themselves on proper cultivation techniques and provide optimal growing conditions to ensure successful growth and maximum yields.
  • What is the average yield of an XXL autoflower plant?
    • The average yield of an XXL autoflower plant can vary depending on various factors, including strain selection, growing conditions, and cultivation techniques. On average, growers can expect yields ranging from 300-500 grams per square meter indoors and up to 700 grams per plant outdoors.
  • How long does it take for an XXL autoflower to reach maturity?
    • One of the significant advantages of XXL autoflowers is their fast life cycle. These plants typically reach maturity within 8-10 weeks from seed to harvest, making them an ideal choice for growers looking for quick turnaround times. The rapid growth and flowering period contribute to their potential for record-breaking harvests.
  • Are there any special considerations when growing XXL autoflowers indoors?
    • When growing XXL autoflowers indoors, there are a few essential considerations to keep in mind. Providing adequate lighting, maintaining proper temperature and humidity levels, and ensuring proper air circulation are crucial for optimal plant growth and maximum yields. Additionally, selecting suitable-sized pots and using the right growing medium can also contribute to successful cultivation.


    Achieving record-breaking harvests with XXL autoflowering seeds is a dream come true for cannabis cultivators. With their exceptional size and yield potential, these specially bred seeds offer growers the opportunity to maximize their crop’s productivity. By understanding the advantages of XXL autoflowering seeds, choosing the right strain, optimizing growing conditions, and implementing effective training techniques, growers can unlock the full potential of these extraordinary seeds. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced cultivator, XXL autoflowering seeds provide an exciting opportunity to take your cannabis cultivation to new white amnesia strain heights. So why wait? Start your journey towards achieving record-breaking harvests today with XXL autoflowering seeds!